Carers Needs HandsA Carer’s Assessment looks at the different ways that your caring role affects your life. We look at how you can carry on doing the things that are important to you and enable you to feel that you still have quality of life.

The assessment covers the impact of your caring role - how you are feeling about caring, your physical, mental and emotional health and how caring may affect your work, leisure, education, wider family and relationships. As a carer your physical, mental and emotional wellbeing is at the heart of this assessment - demonstrating the impact & need for services.

If you decline an assessment you will still be able to access information and advice, including any in-house services we can offer, as well as any other support available from local organisations that may benefit you in your caring role.

If you would like to complete a Carer's Assessment please contact us via our contact page here or call 0151 288 6060 and ask to speak to our Carer Support Officer who is available at the following times: 

Monday - Thursday                                               Friday

Morning: 09:30am - 1:00pm                                    Morning: 09:30am - 1:00pm 

Closed: 1:00pm - 2:00pm                                        Closed: 1:00pm - 1:30pm

Afternoon: 2:00pm - 4:30pm                                    Afternoon: 1:30pm - 4:00pm


Please note; From Monday 3rd October the opening hours will be:

Monday & Tuesday                Wednesday                  Thursday                                Friday

09:30am - 12:00pm                    (Closed)                      2:00pm-4:30pm                       2:00pm-4:00pm




Contributing factors we consider during an assessment:

Often caring roles develop over time and when providing care to a loved one it can be difficult to recognise that you are a carer.

Many carers feel that they have a duty to those who they care for and this can sometimes lead to other care options being ruled out. We are committed to ensuring that you are given as much information as possible to enable you to make an informed a decision regarding your options.

You may find it difficult to talk about your caring role if the person you care is present, we will always try to offer you opportunity to discuss at a time or location that suits you. There may be some parts of your caring role that you may find more difficult than others and we will endeavourer to help you discuss all aspects of your caring role.

As a carer you may sometimes take on physical tasks such as lifting and carrying which can cause long-term health problems. You may find that the stress of your role has led to depression or other mental health problems. In some cases safety can be an issue, for example, because of the behaviour of the person you are looking after.

During your assessment we will consider your physical and mental health as well as any problems you may be experiencing. We will also consider whether your role as a carer is sustainable and what services will benefit you so you are able to continue in the caring role.

The type of questions we will ask during an assessment may include:

What caring tasks do you undertake and how do you feel about doing them?
• What is your relationship with the person you care for like?
• Do you get enough time for yourself - for example, to meet other people and take part in leisure activities?
• How caring is affecting your mental and physical health?
• How caring is affecting your relationships with others?
• How caring is affecting your ability to access education and work life?
• Whether the person you care for is getting enough help?
• How willing or able are you to carry on caring - what about your own health needs?
• What would help make things easier for you?

Once a Carer's Assessment has been completed and you are happy with the assessment a Support Plan may then be required and sent to Sefton Council Adult Social Care for budgetary approval. The Support Plan will demonstrate such things as:

• Training for carers, such as safely lifting, managing medication and dealing with different types of behaviours.

• Specific services commissioned from Sefton Council Adult Social Care to support carers.

• Specific information, advice, guidance and signposting.


Do you have a family member, partner or friend who needs ongoing care or support with day-to-day life?

Working and supporting someone’s health or care - JobHelp


Funders footage Nov24

Sefton Carers Centre is a registered charity in England and Wales, No: 1050808

Registered as a company limited by guarantee in England, No: 3124430