Her Royal Highness The Princess Royal visits Sefton Carers Centre as they mark 30th Anniversary Celebration.

The presence of Her Royal Highness The Princess Royal, served as a poignant tribute to three decades of unwavering commitment to unpaid carers in the Sefton community.


Her Royal Highness The Princess Royal’s visit, was a fitting tribute as part of the centre’s anniversary celebration, symbolising a shared dedication to recognising and honouring the selfless efforts of unpaid carers within the Sefton community. The Princess engaged with partners from the public and voluntary sector together with carers, volunteers, trustees and staff, gaining firsthand insights into the impactful support services that have characterised the voice of carers in Sefton.

The day unfolded with a tour of the centre on South Road, Waterloo, allowing Her Royal Highness The Princess Royal to witness the centre’s pivotal role in supporting unpaid carers throughout Sefton.

The visit highlighted the work carried out by Sefton Carers Centre over the past 30 years and emphasised the organisation's ongoing commitment to enhancing the well-being of carers to care for a family member, friend, or neighbour.



Sue, who has been a carer for her Mum, who has severe mental illness her whole life had this to say about the day:

“Being invited as a guest to the 30th Anniversary celebration was an honour itself, but to be in the presence of Her Royal Highness The Princess Royal is something I will never forget. As carers we put aside any thoughts of recognition or accolades, but to hear how myself and other carers are appreciated was truly humbling. Her Royal Highness listened to each of us, hearing how unique each of our journeys have been and how what we do does really make a difference to the lives of our loved ones. Her graciousness and acknowledgement of the work we do was truly inspiring. To be able to help others no matter if you are a member of the Roya family or an ordinary Citizen is one of the greatest gifts in life – Thank you for this moment, that I will be able to share and cherish, its also given me the energy and passion to carry on what I do.”


Sefton Carers Centre expresses sincere gratitude to Her Royal Highness The Princess Royal for her attendance and making the 30th-anniversary celebration a truly memorable experience for those who attended. The visit not only celebrated the centre’s past and present commitments, but also inspired renewed dedication to the vital mission of supporting carers moving forward.

Mo Kundi, Chair of Sefton Carers Centre, Board of Trustees said, “I am proud of the achievements of Sefton Carers Centre over the last 30 years. For myself and my fellow Trustees it has been a huge privilege to host Her Royal Highness The Princess Royal and we all appreciate the time The Princess has taken to talk to carers and acknowledge the support they provide to others.”

Vicky Keeley CEO of Sefton Carers Centre said, “It has been a testament to the significant work Her Royal Highness The Princess Royal dedicates to unpaid carers across the country as President of the Carers Trust.

We are honoured that Her Royal Highness The Princess Royal, has taken the time to return 30 years on from opening the centre in 1994.”

Three in five of us can expect to become a carer in our lifetime. Yet many people do not recognise themselves as carers helping someone close to them. This means many people struggle on without being aware of their rights and support available to them as a carer. Sefton Carers Centre offers a wide range of support services for unpaid carers in Sefton, from the age of 5 and through adulthood. If you would like more information and for full details of services, please visit www.sefton-carers.org.uk or contact us on 0151 288 6060.


Do you have a family member, partner or friend who needs ongoing care or support with day-to-day life?

Working and supporting someone’s health or care - JobHelp



Sefton Carers Centre is a registered charity in England and Wales, No: 1050808

Registered as a company limited by guarantee in England, No: 3124430